Riri's Little Space

no matter how random it is.
Riri is gay - Striker is god
2023/10/23 (Mon) 04:52:29
Final Fantasy X for PS2 is the best game ever made.
Re: Riri is gay - Riri
2023/10/23 (Mon) 04:58:30
what do u think about final fantasy x-2? :trollface:
Re: Riri is gay - Striker is god
2023/10/23 (Mon) 05:03:33
The story arcs blend so well with character development, and Auron is the most kickass character of any game period. There's no contest.
The same can obviously be said for the cinematics, I've never actually felt like I was in a movie while playing a game, but now that I've felt it I can't go back to anything else. I need more RPGs.
Re: Riri is gay - Striker is god
2023/10/23 (Mon) 05:04:33
Why does the year say 2023, I think the website's clock thing is 22 years off.
Re: Riri is gay - Riri
2023/10/23 (Mon) 14:12:22
idk, folks who maintain the atomic clock messed up probably
No Title - bri'ish
2023/10/23 (Mon) 03:59:13
Re: No Title - Riri
2023/10/23 (Mon) 04:08:13
when was the last time you used bbs? except today, i mean.
First message - Riri
2023/10/23 (Mon) 03:48:17
Feels like 2006, hm?